
Arthritis Management

At Elite Physiotherapy, we offer expert guidance on acute sporting injuries.

How We Can Help You

Arthritis Management

Our Active Living classes are designed to:

  • Maintain muscle mass and strength
  • Enhance bone health and reduce osteoporosis
  • Improve heart and cardiovascular health
  • Improve balance and coordination to reduce the risk of falls
  • Manage pains that may be associated with both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

At Elite Physiotherapy we offer a superior service in the management of both Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Currently, there is no known cure for cartilage loss or rheumatoid arthritis. Effective management of arthritis, prior to joint replacement surgery, involves reducing symptoms and improving function of the joint. Research indicates that performing specific resistance training will both relieve pain and improve joint function. Upon improving joint function and increasing muscle strength, we are able to guide you in becoming move physically active. Being physically active has wide ranging health benefits, including weight management.

Our Active Living classes are an excellent adjunct to the management of arthritis. These classes are gym based classes, whereby participants follow an individualised program, supervised by one of our physiotherapists in our onsite gym. Prior to joining the class, we request an initial consultation which will allow our Physios to set up your program and familiarise you with our gym. These classes host a maximum of 8 people per class and go for 45min. Private health rebates are available.

WHO recommendations for older adults:

  • On 3 or more days a week should do varied multi component physical activity that emphasises functional balance and strength training to enhance functional capacity and to prevent falls

We also offer the GLA:D program, through our Active Living classes. The GLA:D program is an education and exercise program developed in Denmark for people with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms. It involves targeted intervention aimed at improving these symptoms. Research from the GLA:D program in Australia demonstrates an average pain reduction of 36%, reduced analgesic consumption, a reduction in perceived need for joint surgery and a clinically meaningful improvement in joint confidence.

Working together
for your better health

Accurate Diagnosis & Management

Evidence Based Practice 

Individualised Goal Orientated Outcomes  

Exercise based Interventions

Initial appointment

Stay Healthy, get better,
and join the future.

Book your initial appointment with us today to start a journey to bettering your health & wellness with our treatment.
About Us

Our Team

Our goal is to deliver patient centered care and optimal outcomes in every presentation through a strategy of evidence based practice, empathy and encouragement.

Elite Physiotherapy Contact Details

Contact our friendly team with the details below.


Frequently Asked Questions

Physiotherapy improves mobility, reduces pain, and enhances overall well-being through personalized exercises, manual therapy, and education on injury prevention.

Sessions usually last 30-60 minutes, depending on the assessment and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and condition.

In many cases, no referral is required. You can directly schedule an appointment with a physiotherapist, although some insurance plans may have specific requirements.

The number of sessions varies based on your condition. A personalized treatment plan will be discussed during the initial assessment, addressing your goals and progress.